3 Tips For Getting Your Home Ready To Sell

By on January 25, 2019 in Home Design with 0 Comments

If you’re considering putting your house up for sale, but aren’t really sure where to start? Maybe you are afraid it will take too long to sell, or that you won’t get the price you want? Think about “STAGING” your home, or in other words, setting the scene for immediate buyer interest in your property.

staging your home for sale

3 Tips for Staging Your Home Ready To Sell

To be really effective, you need to look at both the outside and the inside of your home. Here are 3 tips to get you started with the inside of your home:

1. De-clutter

This is one of the most important things you can do. It might be easier to think of de-cluttering like this – you’re moving anyway, so why not start packing now? Pack up everything you don’t need and store the boxes out of sight in the garage (or consider temporarily renting a small storage locker). Stick to the 12-month rule, if you haven’t used it in 12 months, BIN IT.

Seriously you’ll enjoy having less to move.

2. Organize your closets

This one might seem a little OCD, but put similar colors together, pants together, skirts together, shirts together, etc. Why? Because it will make the closets look bigger. (YES Really.) An organized closet appears bigger, and you want your closets to look as spacious as possible.

tips for selling your home

3. Make your home look like a model

You want to de-personalize as much as possible so potential buyers can imagine themselves and their own belongings occupying the space in your house. That means minimizing – putting away everything you don’t need or use.

Clear off kitchen counters as much as possible – stash all those appliances you don’t use, and put miscellaneous small clutter in a few attractive baskets or boxes.

Have the windows clean and the stove sparkling. Wash the floors and be sure the animals haven’t left any little surprises behind.

Have the lawn mowed and the garden beds tidy.

selling your home


Here’s the biggest tip of all? Imagine yourself as a potential buyer looking at your property for the very first time. What impressions are you getting? Would YOU buy your house? What would you like to see changed before you put an offer on your house?

And don’t worry about a few thousand dollars to get your house ready to sell – you’ll get it all back when your house sells. Proper staging will help you sell your house in a shorter time and at the price you want.

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