How To Choose Front Door Paint Colors
As much impact as landscaping does to its curb appeal is added by your home’s front door paint colors. While colors that enhance the exterior paint blend the front door into the house seamlessly, vibrant, bright colors draw the eye to the front of the house, highlighting architectural detail or blooming shrubbery. When shopping for paint, keep in mind that the color you choose also depends on the architectural style of the house.
Try to research what colors work well with your home’s architectural style. As well as paint manufacturer brochures, review exterior color schemes in design magazines and books, or even simply observe surrounding homes.
Orange or Red
A popular choice to complement neutral exterior paint, especially front door paint color, is a red or orange paint color. It is acceptable to have a pop of color on the exterior by choosing a red or orange without going overboard if you have taupe or beige walls.
Choose landscaping near the porch or patio that has yellow, red, or orange blossoms to enhance the paint color. This will showcase the color of the door and enhance the entire yard. Moroccan red is one popular shade of red or orange, according to House Beautiful, which is similar to the color of paprika, and better suited for front door paint colors.
A coat of clear varnish should be applied over the color, which adds shine, to enhance the overall look of the front door.
Gray or Steel
The overall look is enhanced by steel-gray door paint. When you have a colonial or ranch-style home that is predominantly white. That way it won’t detract from the style of the home. A gray paint could also be chosen that has purple or brown undertones such as raisin if you want to be bold.
It is always suitable when choosing a contrasting paint color for your door, according to DIY-HQ. As long as it is lighter or darker than your exterior paint, a palette will have been created even if you use a very subtle gray or steel color, which is pleasing to the eye.
By planting vibrant shrubbery or flowers in the front yard, offset the white and gray exterior paint.
Though white may seem too plain for some people. It’s still a popular choice when you decide to paint the house with bold or vibrant colors. You can have a traditional and clean contrast to the rest of the paint. If you go with a white door if you have painted around it in brown, gray, or yellow.
If various color trims or shades are featured in your home. You can keep it from appearing too busy by simply adding a white door to the house. In addition, white is an ideal choice for front door paint color for those who prefer a simple, clean, contemporary look.